
My interesting building

Do you know "America's Best Dance Crew"?
It is one of a TV program at MTV.

Many dance crews perform there, and deside what crew is the best!!

When I saw it first time, I was surprised.

It was AMAZING!!!!!! All dancers were goood!

I thought I wish I could be like that.

Anyway, what I want to say is... "I WANT TO GO TO MTV BUILDING!!!"

So, my interesting building is MTV!!

Here is a picture of MTV building.
This building is build in New York City.
And it is neare the broadway.

This picture is the studio to record ABDC.
Many dance crew perform here!!
Now, I practice dancing at Sofia univer sity's circle 3times a week.
And made my dance crew.
Dance is just hobby for me.
But I think having some dream is important.
so, I want to perform at the ABDC someday!!
thats why, my interesting building is MTV!!


first day

i started this blog!!