
The One Inch Boy

Long, long ago therer lived an old man and his wife. They had no children, so they had prayed and asked God for a baby every day.
One day, to their surprise, they were blessed with a small baby, whose heught was only one inchor so. they named him "Issun-boshi",One inch Boy
One day he said to his parents. "My father and mother, please give me a needle, a straw.
His parents gave him the permisson at once. The next day he left home for the capital.
One day he met beautiful girl.
One day he met a big demon. The demon was going to kidnap her to hjis house. and the demon swallowed him down quickly. "Ouch, ouch...."
One inch boy pierced him with the needle in his stomach. "Ouch, I'll die. I'll give up. Help me." the demon vomited him out and ran away towar the mountain.
"Thank you very much for helping me. you are so small but very brave and strong. It's called the 'uchide-no-kozuchi', the magic mallet. It's a demon's treasure. If we swing it,we can have anything we want. Inch boy what is your wish?" asked she. "I'd like my height. Please make me a tall boy." She awung it One inch boy became taller and taller to be a very tall and handsame man. He married her and became a brave warrior in the capital of Kyoto as he had wished.


My interesting building

Do you know "America's Best Dance Crew"?
It is one of a TV program at MTV.

Many dance crews perform there, and deside what crew is the best!!

When I saw it first time, I was surprised.

It was AMAZING!!!!!! All dancers were goood!

I thought I wish I could be like that.

Anyway, what I want to say is... "I WANT TO GO TO MTV BUILDING!!!"

So, my interesting building is MTV!!

Here is a picture of MTV building.
This building is build in New York City.
And it is neare the broadway.

This picture is the studio to record ABDC.
Many dance crew perform here!!
Now, I practice dancing at Sofia univer sity's circle 3times a week.
And made my dance crew.
Dance is just hobby for me.
But I think having some dream is important.
so, I want to perform at the ABDC someday!!
thats why, my interesting building is MTV!!


first day

i started this blog!!